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Барбадос 100 долларов
« : Апрель 09, 2009, 18:57:23 »

В обращение с 20 апреля 2009 вводится новая банкнота Барбадоса в 100 долларов.

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Central Bank Issues New $100 Note


Barbadian $100 notes with new and upgraded security features will go into circulation on April 20, 2009.
“With the introduction of this $100 note we are completing the upgrades process that we began in 2007,” explained Julia Weekes, Director Banking, Currency & Investments at the Central Bank of Barbados. “These features are intended to make the note more secure and are similar to those currently found in the $20 and $50 notes.”
Among those features:

1. A small watermark-type image of the Pride of Barbados flower has been added to the right of the map of Barbados watermark.

2. The security thread is now wider and less reflective than the previous thread, but like it, is printed with the text “CBB$100”. When held up to light, the thread becomes a solid line. Under UV light, the thread fluoresces blue and the text fluoresces yellow.

3. The $100 numeral on the top left corner of the note is significantly raised above the surface of the paper, giving the paper a unique feel. This raised numeral will also allow the denomination to be more easily identified by the visually impaired.

4. The Coat of Arms and the waves near the flying fish in the centre of the banknote fluoresce green and yellow under UV light.  In addition to the changes, several of the existing security features, including the highly reflective gold foil dolphin can still be found on the upgraded $100 note.

Weekes revealed that the upgraded note will be in simultaneous circulation with older issues of the $100 note. “Both the new note and those we have issued previously will be legal tender and completely acceptable as payment for goods and services,” she stated.


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Re: Барбадос 100 долларов
« Ответ #1 : Апрель 12, 2009, 12:15:00 »

Поискал на сайте банка картинки но так и не нашел :(


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Re: Барбадос 100 долларов
« Ответ #2 : Апрель 12, 2009, 12:20:15 »

Сканы так думаю после 20 апреля появятся.